Thema : Gerundium/Infinitve

(words with different meaning)


verb + infinitive
gerund (ing-form)
like (would) im Augenblick
Bsp. I ´d like to come
Bsp. He likes reading.
remember daran denken
Bsp.: Please remember to call me.
sich erinnern, etwas getan zu haben.
Bsp.: I remember seeing him.
stop anhalten bzw. mit etwas aufhören,
um etwas zu tun.
Bsp.: He stopped his car to see what´s going on in the street.
aufhören, etwas zu tun
Bsp: Stop talking
oder He stopped watching TV because he still had to do a lot of homework.
mean = want
Bsp: I didn´t mean to hurt you
= bedeuten
Bsp: It means walking all the way back.
forget vergessen etwas zu tun.
Bsp: When Paul left the house he forgot to lock the door.

vergessen, etwas getan zu haben:

I forgot seeing him many years before.



Please remember to go shopping this morning
Bitte denke daran heute morgen einkaufen zu gehen.
I can´t remember meeting Sam last month -> refers to the past !!!
Ich kann mich nicht erinnern, Sam letzten Monat getroffen zu haben.
I regret to tell you that Mary has died this morning.
Ich bedauere dir sagen zu müssen, dass Mary heute morgen gestorben ist.
I regret not buying this book. It´s very helpful.
I bereue es dieses Buch nicht gekauft zu haben. Es ist sehr hilfreich.
She always forgets to do her homework.
Sie vergisst immer ihre Hausaufgaben zu machen.
I can´t forget being together with you in Spain. I love you.> refers to the past !!!
Ich kann die Zeit nicht vergessen, als wir zusammen in Spanien waren. Ich liebe dich.
He stopped here to buy some water.
Er hielt hier an, um etwas Wasser zu kaufen.
He stopped smoking last month.
Er hat letzten Monat mit dem Rauchen aufgehört.
He means to go to a college next year.
Er beabsichtigt nächstes Jahr auf ein College zu gehen.
The roof has been damaged last night that means repairing it.
Das Dach ist letzte Nacht beschädigt worden. Das bedeutet, dass es repariert werden muss.

Englisch- Test Klasse 10

Improve the style of these sentences by using gerund constructions
Use by(2*), instead of - for (2*) - without


Henry Ford was famous because he developed the assembly line system. He made cars cheaper like this: he cut the production line. This is how he kept the price of his popular Modal T down: he only produced one color- black! With a car, Americans could travel to lots of exciting places : they didn´t have to spend their vacations at home. In the early days you could simply get into a car and drive off, you didn´t have to pass a driving test. At hat time nobody thought that one day people would blame the automobile because it causes pollution.






see- drive- finish - take - play - send


Gerund or infinitive

1. I don´t remember _______________________ that police car when we arrived. Are you sure it was parked there all the time?

2. After the accident my cousin had to stop ____________________ hockey.

3. This thriller has over 500 pages. but I hope ____________________ it this weekend.

4. The view of Lake Michigan is great from here. Let´s stop _______________________ some pictures.

5. Don´t forget ____________________ me a postcard from Chicago!

6. You want to reach Chicago before we stop for the night? That´ll mean _____________________ another 200 miles from here.